Hydro Solution fights for the human right "clean water" with locally-producible water filters and a sustainable concept.
The Situation
According to the current status 2.1 billion people around the world have no access to clean drinking-water. Africa is the most affected continent. In our target region Kajiado Country, Kenya 266,000 people obtain their drinking-water from surface waters which are massively bacterially contaminated. This causes serious diseases like typhoid, dysentery or cholera. Every year on average 502,000 people - especially children - die due to polluted drinking-water worldwide.
The Filter
The filter is extraordinarily effective, solely producible with local resources and can be built by the locals themselves. Neither energy nor the use of chemicals is necessary and the low material costs as well as the minimum lifespan of ten years make it unique and very promising. At the moment we have already provided over 32,000 people with clean drinking-water.
The Concept
We work according to the principle “capacity building”. Our concept works sustainably and creates an economic advantage. Up to now we have been able to train nine locals in filter construction and marketing with didactically prepared conducted workshops. Furthermore, we have built up a production and storage site. Since then our local partners have been able to make a living out of producting the filters and to continue the project on their own.
How to support us
A filter can be produced with just € 40. With that an extended family or even a whole school class can be provided with clean drinking water. Inform yourself about our project and become a supporting member. You are welcome to write us if you have any questions or requests. We are happy about any support! Asante sana!