
Onetime Donations

With your contribution you support among other things:

» extension of our production site and building of a school large filter
» provision of new training material and setup of new filter projects in other regions
» continuous production of household filters and thus the drinking water supply for families
» much more!

Donations Account:

Owner: Hydro Solution e.V.
IBAN: DE68 7505 0000 0027 0269 54

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Regular Donations

With your regular help you can ensure the monthly supply of a family or a whole school class with clean drinking water. Simultaneously you give our local partners the opportunity to take control of their lives by themselves and to safeguard their future. So your regular help is not on a short-term basis, it’s a sustainable investment in the future of many people on site. Regular financial supports give us planning security and ensure that the monthly production costs for our water filters can be covered.

With only € 40 you provide a family with clean drinking water.

Here you find the donation form.